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ITECHSWISS works in a variety of industrial and technology areas that make your lifestyle more convenient and more comfortable.
ITECHSWISS and its innovative products are already  closer to you than you think, you may not know us but we are always working for you.

Business Units

Our Servuces
Distribution Exclusive Brands

Distribution of several brands in Europe and italy such as: 

Damson, Rockfox, Cyclops, Globescout, Zello, Techspecs, Rokstraps, SXI, Kry-o

Electronics & Digital-WEB Developing-CRO

We provides wide range of technology services to help organizations translate their strategic business agendas into IT initiatives...

Motorbike Parts & Accessories Manufacturer

Motorbike parts and outdoor accessories development since more then 3 years, 2 brands and OEM parts for  several customers... 

Purchasing Center Activity

Brand purchasing for a sales unique platform and digital vitual outletstores in Europe for multinational companies.

Over 100 brands from...

Network Video Surveillance Project

With Wireless Networking 

technology evolution you now

can easily and inexpensively install high resolution IP video cameras at line site location...


Rapidmotorcare Network is a 1 hour engine treatment without mechanical intervention, environment harming and chemicals use... 

Industrial Design Lab

We are good at having new ideas for every project. Creating innovation in everything we design is our 

Passion by Definition.


Ready to find out more?

The ITECHSWISS Company Identity articulates the Mission,

Values and Vision shared by the Itechswiss Company network, enabling it to demonstrate outstanding teamwork that transcends the boundaries of geographical regions and business. 
Enter in contact with us for any inquiries or special request, with our talented team and proven experience in global markets we can inspire the world.

Itechswiss Europe Srl.  


Head Quarter                                           - Corso Lodi, 47 - 20139 Milano.    Tel. +39.02.21116597.

Operation Office / SXI PARTS STORE - Via VALSUGANA 15  - 20139 Milano . Tel+39.0249636072.

© 2017 by I-TECHSWISS.

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